
Legionella is a potentially fatal bacterial infection. Firms or property owners saving Legionella testing cost and failing to comply with legal requirements for risk assessment and management may face significant financial penalties. Company owners and landlords must regularly test Legionella bacteria for health and legal reasons.

Legionnaire’s disease is a bacterial infection that results in pneumonia. Most people recover from the sickness after receiving antibiotics and hospital care. However, older folks, smokers, and immunocompromised people are more likely to develop significant health problems due to infection.

The bacterium that causes the sickness can be found in natural and artificial water sources. A Legionella overgrowth can arise at the right temperature and water quality circumstances, making it feasible to contract the disease by contact with water droplets or steam.

Health and safety in the workplace

Only water testing can determine whether legionella is present in a water system. Because of this and the risks of Legionella exposure, water systems must be regularly tested for the bacteria at the GHP Water testing laboratory.

Because of the growing occurrence of Legionella outbreaks, it is even more critical to frequently test for legionella in water systems. Routine Microbial Testing Dubai and testing of water systems in residential and commercial premises aids in the prevention of outbreaks of a severe, perhaps deadly, infection and protects the health of those who live and work in those areas.

What Are Your Legal Responsibilities?

Legionella bacteria can live in any water system. As a result, company owners and landlords are obligated by law to comply with specific health and safety responsibilities to reduce the danger of a Legionella epidemic.

The following are the obligations and duties of business and rental property owners:

Risk assessment is required to determine the level of risk that legionella will establish itself in the water system. For example, they evaluate water temperature at various points in the system and look for water stagnation to see if conditions favor Legionella growth.

Risk management: It is the responsibility of the business or property owner to ensure that the Legionella risk is kept to a minimum. This entails adopting whatever measures are necessary to guarantee that the water system complies with legal requirements. Maintenance: The system should be adequately maintained to reduce the Legionella danger in the long run.

Record-keeping: If the water system is connected to a business with five or more employees, the business owner must retain records of any critical results from the risk assessment. They must also preserve records about risk management practices, how they are applied, and the dates and outcomes of inspections and testing.

When Acop Compliance Isn’t An Option

In rare cases, a facility may not wholly comply with the HSE’s Approved Codes of Practice for Legionella for practical reasons. In these instances, it is even more critical to conduct Legionella testing frequently. If HSE’s recommended risk management techniques are not feasible, alternative measures must be implemented to maintain the water system safe.

legal Implications Of Noncompliance

Failure to comply with these requirements might have serious legal ramifications. Depending on the circumstances, a firm or landlord could face fines ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands of Dirhams. It is crucial to highlight that a Legionella outbreak is not required for a business or property owner to be held legally accountable. For example, if they have been negligent in risk assessment, risk management, or record-keeping, they face hefty penalties regardless of whether a Legionella epidemic or legionella is present in the water system.

It is in the best interests of a business or rental property owner to follow all Legionella requirements at low Legionella testing cost through GHP testing services and manage the risk to the best of their ability. This involves routine water testing to ensure that there are no Legionella bacteria in the water.